trigger point is a very sensitive section of muscle tissue that is
painful to touch. This is often the result of nerve irritation causing
stagnation in the muscle that creates inflammation. Many different
modalities can effectively treat these trigger points, such as massage,
chiropractic, and acupuncture. Often injections are given into these
points to reduce inflammation, but the results are often short lived,
and too many of these injections can cause more problems.
Acupuncture point is a location on the body, often along the pathways
of nerves and blood vessels, that when stimulated, increases blood flow
and regulates nervous function. The effects of Acupuncture points are
not just limited to muscles and treating pain, and they can regulate
circulation, effect brain function, balance hormones, and improve
digestive function, just to name a few things.
points are a newly discovered type of point, and motor point therapy is
a cutting edge style of Acupuncture used to manage pain and injuries,
old and new alike. Motor points are a very dense section of nerves
within a muscle, that when activated with Acupuncture, will cause the
muscle to reset, just like doing a reboot on your computer. After the
point has been activated, the strength of the muscle will increase, and
the range of motion of the joint will improve.
To learn more about Acupuncture and my practice in Orange, California, visit www.OCAcupunctureSpecialist.com, or visit and like my page on Facebook.